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Vibration, dynamics and noise

formerly BETA Machinery and SVT


Noise regulations around the world

Noise impact assessment requirements

Noise control is a growing concern for owners and operators of production facilities and pipeline stations. Environmental and occupational regulations on city, state and federal levels often require a noise impact assessment for new facilities. Several high-profile lawsuits in the US indicate an increased public awareness and rising pressure on operators to assess the environmental impact of compressor station noise, especially near residential areas.

Below is a (non-exhaustive) list of noise regulations in different jurisdictions around the world.

For more information on how we can help you control noise in your facility or project:
visit our noise management center
contact a noise expert

1 Noise regulations in Australia
New South Wales New South Wales Industrial Noise Policy
Northern Territory Noise guidelines for development sites
Queensland Environmental Protection Act (1994), Queensland
South Australia Environment Protection Authority (EPA)
Tasmania Environmental Management and Pollution Control (Noise) Regulations
Victoria Environment Protection Authority Victoria
Western Australia Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, Noise Regulations
2 Noise regulations in Canada
Federal Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety – Noise Control in Industry: A Basic Guide
National Energy Board
Alberta Alberta Energy Regulator
Directive 038: Noise Control
Alberta Utilities Commission – Rule 012 Noise Control
British Columbia British Columbia Noise Control Best Practices Guideline (2009) 
Work Safe BC
Manitoba Manitoba Utilities Board
Ontario Ontario Energy Board 
Environmental guidelines for the locations, construction and operation of hydrocarbon pipelines and facilities
Environmental Noise Guideline - Stationary and Transportation Sources - Approval and Planning (NPC-300)
Saskatchewan The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations
3 Noise regulations in Europe
EU Official Journal of the European Union, Noise at Work Directive 2003/10/EC
UK The Control of Noise at Work Regulations (2005), United Kingdom
4 Noise regulations in the United States
Federal US Environmental Protection Agency – summary of the Noise Control Act
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission – Section 7 Regulations for Noise – Guidance Manual for Environmental Report Preparation (2002)
FERC Environmental Guidelines
Intermountain Oil and Gas BMP Project – Noise
Arkansas Arkansas House Bill 1399 – The Rural Good Neighbor Act
Arkansas Public Policy Panel – Model Oil and Gas Laws, Regulations and Ordinances
California California Noise Control Act (PDF)
Colorado Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission – 800 Series Aesthetic and Noise Control Regulations 
Federal, State & County Regulatory Requirements Potentially Applicable to Oil shale and Tar Sands Development Projects (2012)
2012 Oil Shale & Tar Sands Programmatic EIS
Larimer County Noise Ordinance 97-03
Louisiana State of Louisiana Office of Conservation Baton Rouge – Order No U-HS
Michigan Michigan House Bill 5111
New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico Noise Permit Noise Control
Notice to Lessees and Operators of Onshore Federal and Indian Oil and Gas Leases
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Act 13 of 2012
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resource Bureau of Forestry – Guidelines for Administering Oil and Gas Activity on State Forest Lands
Washington County Oil and Gas Well Drilling Ordinance
Peters Township Zoning – Noise and Vibration
Lycoming County Zoning
Hartford Township Noise Ordinance
Susquehanna County Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance 2011
South Carolina Anderson County Noise
Texas Austin, Texas Noise Ordinance 
Houston, Texas Noise Ordinance 
Fort Worth Noise Ordinance Update (January 2012)
Virginia Arlington County Code Noise Control
5 Noise regulations in Asia
Hong Kong  Noise Control Ordinance, Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department
Malaysia The Planning Guidelines For Environmental Noise Limits and Control
Factories and Machinery (Noise Exposure) Regulations
6 Related services and information

Noise design services

Environmental noise impact assessment

Human vibration

Noise troubleshooting

Occupational noise management

Underwater noise monitoring and assessment

Noise risks in the gas industry

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