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Vibration, dynamics and noise

formerly BETA Machinery and SVT


Training courses and webinars

Register for our training courses and webinars

Well-trained people are essential to the design, commissioning, and maintenance of production equipment – especially with rapidly changing technology and systems.

Wood's vibration, dynamics, and noise training services equip our customers with a technical background and practical tips to make better business decisions. The intended audience includes staff from packagers, EPC firms, and end users, who are involved with machinery systems.

Using animations, case studies, theory, and practical applications, Wood's technical seminars introduce the concepts of pulsation, vibration noise and other reliability problems associated with reciprocating compressors and rotating machines and piping systems. Web-based programs may also be available for remote locations.

1 Current Course Schedule

VDN provides a variety of training sessions. Some are managed internally, others are coordinated by the Gas Machinery Research Council (GMRC), the Petroleum Institute for Continuing Education (PEICE), or are conducted as part of conferences.

For courses in Australia, visit woodplc.com/vdn/training

In North America and Europe, we currently provide in-house or virtual training for groups upon request only.

2 Custom Seminars

Seminars are customized to meet the specific interests of our audience. We can include other topics or allocate more or less time to a topic to match your needs.

Training seminars can include these topics

  • Overview of reliability issues affecting compressors, pumps and other production machinery
  • New changes to API 618 (5th edition) affecting new or modified reciprocating compressor packages
  • Vibration and pulsation basics for pumps and reciprocating machines, Energy Institue screening and assessment
  • Piping vibration and avoidance of fatigue failures
  • Design practices to avoid vibration problems (including pulsation, mechanical, and torsional vibration analysis)
  • Tips for offshore applications such as platforms or FPSOs
  • Performance issues for compressors
  • Start-up and operational issues, including troubleshooting tips
  • New monitoring and optimization initiatives
  • Foundation design
2.1 Seminar Topics

Wood's vibration, dynamics and noise group provides training on the following topics. These range from 1-hour to 3-day classes. We customize the seminars to meet the interests and needs of our customers.

The following topics are organized into different segments allowing customers to pick and choose topics of interest. Our seminars use animations, case studies, theory, and practical applications to keep them interesting and relevant.

Contact info.vdn@woodplc.com for more information on rates, schedules, or to book your own seminar.

Seminar Topics

  • Vibration Overview  The following terms are discussed: resonance; mechanical, torsional, and acoustic natural frequencies; dynamic forces; and vibration guidelines and standards (1‐2 hours).
  • Pulsation/Mechanical Studies for Reciprocating Compressor and Pump Packages Basics  Overview of pulsation analysis, mechanical analysis of piping and compressor systems, API 618/API 674, skid and foundations, risk assessments and more (2 hours).
  • API 618 Requirements for Pulsation Studies (5th edition)  Overview of the changes to API 618 and how it impacts pulsation studies (1 hour).
  • Advanced Pulsation Analysis  Acoustical theory, acoustical analysis, modeling techniques, pressure drop, bottle sizing, pulsation effects and performance impacts (2‐4 hours).
  • Advanced Mechanical Analysis  Support and clamp design, small-bore piping, high-risk vs. low-risk applications, Finite Element Analysis (FEA) modeling techniques,mechanical natural frequencies (MNFs), vibration and stress, forced response, compressor mounting, case studies (2‐4 hours).
  • Reciprocating Compressor Sizing, Capacity Control and Performance Impacts  Application discussion relating to new or revamp compressors and the impact on performance and reliability (1‐2 hours).
  • Torsional Vibration Analysis (TVA)  Application issues affecting torsional vibration, engines vs. motors, torsional natural frequencies, forced response, coupling design, risk factors, case studies, field measurements (1‐3 hours).
  • Centrifugal Compressor Vibration  Overview of flow-induced vibration (vortex shedding), high-frequency pulsations, design strategies, field case studies (1‐2 hours).
  • Piping Vibration  Avoidance of Vibration-Induced Fatigue Failures (AVIFF) is a common concern for facility piping system owner operators. This training will discuss the steps required to address AVIFF in a proactive way at the design or operating stages. Discussion will include Flow-Induced Vibration (FIV), Acoustic-Induced Vibration (AIV), Flow-Induced Turbulence (FIT), Transient Events, Small-Bore Piping, and other sources. Applicable industry standards and approaches used to assess vibration risk (such as Energy Institute) will be presented.
  • Reciprocating Pump (Positive Displacement or Plunger Pump)  API Standard 674 defines the pulsation and vibration control requirements for a positive displacement (plunger) pump. This seminar addresses the unique needs for acoustic and mechanical designs. It also explores field and reliability issues affecting damaged pulsation dampeners and stabilizer internals, valve dynamics, and other considerations to pump design (1‐2 hours).
  • Centrifugal Pumping Systems  Medium to large pump applications can face vibration challenges, including small-bore piping vibration, transient piping vibration, and pipe fatigue due to acoustically induced vibration (AIV). This seminar outlines the types of excitation forces in a liquid pumping system and the design methods available to reduce piping vibration (1‐2 hours).
  • Thermal Analysis (Piping Flexibility)  Techniques and case studies for assessing piping flexibility and stress (B31.3, B31.8 and other codes), off‐skid analysis, specialized clamp designs, coordinating design to accommodate both mechanical (dynamic stiffness) and thermal (flexibility) requirements (1‐2 hours).
  • Pressure Drop in Pipeline Compressor Stations  Specialized design for reciprocating compressors used in the pipeline industry. Reduce pressure drop through the piping system and improve operating flexibility/reliability for new or upgraded reciprocating compressors. Design approaches including System Performance Modeling (fence to fence pressure drop), capacity control, and the Safety Map. Also includes discussion of performance testing, small-bore piping and other design considerations (1‐3 hours).
  • Blowdown and Transient/Water Hammer Analysis  The integrity of the piping system can be affected by transient or blow down situations. This seminar discusses both liquid and gas piping systems and how to avoid piping fatigue failure due to water hammer, blow down or emergency shutdown (ESD), start‐up or other transient events. Various case examples are discussed (1‐2 hours).
  • Troubleshooting Machinery Problems  Wide range of field issues including vibration, performance, installation, baseline assessments and vibration guidelines. Addresses troubleshooting on compressors, pumps, engines, turbines and paper machines (2‐4 hours).
  • Vibration/Performance Monitoring Programs  Comparison of monitoring programs, best practices, remote vs. onsite programs and condition assessments. Covering monitoring programs for rotating/reciprocating machines (1‐2 hours).
  • Structural Dynamic Analysis for Offshore Applications such as Platforms or FPSOs  Design and field case studies for techniques to avoid resonance and vibration on offshore production facilities (1‐3 hours).
  • Foundation Design for Machine Applications  Overview of dynamic analysis requirements for foundation and compressor mounting, including gravel, piles and concrete foundations (1‐3 hours).
  • Best Practices to Avoid Vibration on Reciprocating Compressors  This seminar is for compressor packagers. It covers piping layout, scrubber design, skid design, gussets, mounting, shop testing, wedge supports and other topics (2‐5 hours).
2.2 How Do I Arrange a Seminar?

For on-site training at your premises, please contact info.vdn@woodplc.com for options.
For scheduled courses and webinars, please register through the registration links in the course list above.

3 Why VDN Seminars?

Quite simply, because we believe that when customers are educated about vibration issues they make better decisions, so, really, it is in our interest to provide relevant and practical training to customers.

More companies trust their compressor vibration design studies to VDN than any other machinery or piping consultant. Our goal is to ensure responsive service and practical advice that delivers great results. VDN works closely with packagers, OEMs, ECs, owners and operators to ensure reliable rotating and reciprocating machinery.

We’ve taken this same approach to help customers fix difficult reliability, vibration and performance problems with existing equipment in the field.

We also provide a unique condition and performance monitoring service for gas producing facilities such as offshore platforms, remote compressor stations and plants. Customers trust VDN to monitor their centrifugal, screw and reciprocating compressors, pumps, engines, turbines, motors and other equipment. This simple, but effective program delivers results, including a fast payback. 

Participants say: 

"A very good one-day overview of a topic that is very important" [Piping Vibration]
- Chris Gilmour, Chief Engineer, NWR Partnership

"I simply recommend this for anybody in an industrial plant... a 'must know about' topic."
"Gives a very good overall view of vibration issues, examples, and ways to mitigate/eliminate these issues in the field." 
[Piping Vibration]
- Compilation from course participants


"Great course for those involved in reciprocating compressor troubleshooting and performance evaluation; goes beyond the OEM courses in the industry and gives a more full understanding of compression infrastructure and troubleshooting techniques. Enjoyed the knowledgeable instruction, real life case studies and relaxed atmosphere. I got to see the impact of the decisions I make daily." [Reciprocating Compressor Performance Training]
- Compilation from course participants

"I got a lot from this class and would recommend to other people new to the industry." [HS Compressor Design]

"I liked the exercises. This helps retaining the information as opposed to just listening to lecture the whole time; All vibration/pulsation/torsional slides had great graphics & animations"

- Compilation from course participants

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Understand the top three vibration threats in your piping system and how to tame them.
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